A happy company

Published on by Blue Eagle Invocations

Last week, we invited our employees and colleagues to a pizza (vegetarian!) lunch on the theme « What are your ideas: what you like, what you don’t like and your suggestions for improvements ». When I announced our theme, I saw eyes getting bigger and smiles arising... I realized that we don’t take enough time to share together and that this would be a beautiful moment.

There were 9 of us around the table. For this special occasion, the president, Luc Bourgault, and the vice-president, François Gagnon, as well as two new representatives were present.

Each of our colleagues had taken time to reflect on the theme of our meeting. The only absent person had left a written message with her suggestions. We were thus able to discover certain small dissatisfactions, easily to correct, as well as desires that we responding to, small things like a desk lamp, a different chair, different working hours, etc.

We also took advantage of the occasion to present two new representatives to our team, Wanda Atwood and Raymond Gagnon thus got to meet the team with whom they will be working. These new reps are going to take charge of Western Canada and also parts of the USA.  It’s nice for everyone to put a face on the names.

When everybody had shared their point of view, they all turned towards me and asked me what I had to say! I faltered because I had not thought of it and what came spontaneously was that I enjoyed working with everyone. In fact, if anything comes up I will communicate it immediately so things don’t drag and create bad energy. This most of my colleagues also do and I encourage it. It’s important that each of us feel good and comfortable with the team.  Our philosophy is that we must have fun with our work. We don’t want anyone stuck with some unspoken frustration in their heart. 

My most beautiful gift was when some people ended their sharing saying that they like and enjoy working for our company. As general manager, it’s not only the health of the company that I hold dear to my heart but also the happiness of all my colleagues. This philosophy is shared by all our executive officers.  The people in the company are more important than the money we make or for that matter any other consideration.

A company with a happy team is a happy company!  This happiness will communicate its light to the products and thus will reach our customers and that is a precious and important aspect of our company’s mission. 

Dominique Jeanneret
General Manager

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